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Iceland is exciting, and there are plenty of things to see, but we must advise people to show caution when travelling. Our road system is old and not built for so many cars, and there are some quirky rules and regulations you must abide when travelling here.

Don’t stop on the road

Icelandic nature is breath-taking, and the horses by the road are cute, but it is both dangerous to stop on the side of the road or on the road and illegal. We know people are used to having two lines painted on the road to indicate if you are not allowed to stop. However, we don’t do that here in Iceland. We operate on a “common sense” system, where we expect people to use their common sense in regards to where they are supposed to stop and go.

Find a safe spot to stop and enjoy the view!

Horses by the road

Don’t feed them bread. Icelandic horses are naturally curious and friendly, and they will ask for food. But give them grass if you need to give them something.

But photograph them and pet at will!

Three road signs you must know

There are a few road signs you should be aware of when driving on Icelandic roads. The road system might look a bit odd to some; the ring road is relatively narrow, there are twists and turns where there isn’t a need for them, the paved road suddenly ends – even on the ring road and then there are those pesky one lane bridges. Oh yes, we have one lane bridges, even on the ring road. These bridges are all old, were built when Icelanders were even fewer than they are now and made to save on cost.

So. One lane bridge. What does it mean? It means that you have to either give way to the car coming towards you or go over if the other vehicle gives way. It is not a game of chicken, if you aren’t sure the car will stop, you stop. Otherwise, you will be stuck on the bridge.






Blind rise crescent – This sign means you need to take care because you won’t see the car coming towards you because it is on the other side of the hill.






Asphalt ends – In the Icelandic countryside, and in one place on the ring road (in the East Fjords), the asphalt just ends, and you will have to drive on gravel. It is not that uncommon for roads to be gravel roads in the countryside so beware of the signs.



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